Moses and The Passover

Moses is one of the Legends in the Spiritual Universe. He has left a mark many centuries ago and his words, influence, leadership skills and mindfulness has lead the Israelite people out of Egypt and paved a path that many still celebrate.

Moses was born in Egypt and his parents had to hide him as a baby,as a order to murder all male babies was put out from the King. His mother who was totally heart broken with the command, made a basket and placed him in it and left him by the river to float away where no one can see him.

The king daughter saw the basket while having a bath commanded one of her maids to get the basket. To her surprise when she opened the basket she found a baby wrapped up in Hebrew linen, she was concerned for the baby as he was crying his eyes out. Moses sister who was standing watch, saw what was happening and offered her mother to be the nurse as she still has breast milk. The princess wanted to keep the baby and so she did, she named him Moses and raised him as her own.

Moses grew up and became a strong, courageous leader, who was destined to be powerful but in his heart he kept his teachings from his mother. Who was his care taken while growing up, he has no idea at the time she was his mother, as she never told anyone when she got the job.

At the time the Israelites was enslaved and being treated badly by the king. Moses saw this and it pinched his heart. He had a good heart, he always stood up for justice and this never went well with many in the castle. This eventually got him thrown out , when he got in a fight with a guard and ended up killing him. Moses was banished from the kingdom and thrown in the desert to fend for himself. He eventually found another family and stayed with them for many years.

One day while walking he saw a light and walked up the mountain to see a burning bush. He was totally amazed by this, and ask himself how this can be burning and haven’t reach the ground as yet.

Meanwhile, God called to him and he was astonished. God spoke to him and told him about the people of Isreal suffering. Moses was held back and scared but God ashore him he will be with him. God gave him guidance and assurance that he will be with him all threw the journey.

Moses set out for his journey and heading back to the castle to confront the king. When he arrived he requested for his people to be released. The king continually denied his request after countless sufferings that was brought to his own people. Unfortunately, his hardening of heart has made him absent to the request.

The Isralites was beginning to complain, they didn’t believe in him in the beginning. This was because they was being put to work harder by the king and their suffering was increased tremendously.

Moses sent numerous request for them to be released. The king never listened although his own people was suffering. God send many signs to let him change his mind,from the water in the ocean turning to blood, lice infecting the place with all the crops and food stock dying, hailstorm, locus, frogs and sores. The king refused to release the people and was very bitter about what was happening.

The last straw had come and God was sending death to the city. Every first born male would be dead. The Isralites prepared for this night by having lamb for dinner. They put the lamb blood on their doors as the blood of the lamb will save them from death that was about to pass.

Each Isralite followed this as they believed in God message. The night passed and those including the king who did not have the blood of the lamb by their doors, first son was dead. The screams and anguish was heard all over the city, people was in tears, women was moaning the loss of a son.

The next day the king called Moses, he was totally heart broken because he lost his only son. He told him to leave immediately and take his people with him because he didn’t want to upset their God anymore.

From that day forward the Isralites celebrated their victory as the day would always be remembered to them. That day was celebrated and called the Passover as that day was marked as a time to celebrate their freedom from the Egyptians. They was in total joy as they were free from slavery and ready to head to the land their fathers and ancestors left for them.

Moses was a courageous man, who became a leader and paved a new path for the people of Isreal. He never lost hope or faith, he is one of the many Spiritual Legands who made a mark in this world.

His work and his teachings will be remembered for eternity. He was a little boy who was about to be killed . In the end he was able to get his people freed and each year the Passover is celebrated in remembrance of this historical event.

Passover Dinner

Much love everyone.



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One response to “Moses and The Passover”

  1. splitthenightj Avatar

    Great read! Always interesting to know the backstory to holidays.


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